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The Russian website posted an article reflecting opinion of our employee

The Russian website “Взгляд. Деловая газета” (Point of view. Business newspaper) posted an article “Why Armenia does not like Russian peacekeepers” about the latest developments in the Lachin corridor. The article shows that the leader of Armenia, N. Pashinyan, reproached Russia for the fact that the Russian peacekeeping contingent stationed in Karabakh is not fulfilling its duties. According to Pashinyan, the obligation to keep the Lachin corridor under control is not being fulfilled, and allegedly Azerbaijan illegally blocked the Lachin corridor... However, Moscow did not accept the reproach.

The Head of our Institute met with representatives of the USAID Private Sector Development Project

On December 27, 2022, the Chairman of the Board of the Institute of Law and Human Rights Mahammad Guluzade met with Shalala Kamilova and Rashid Mammadov, representatives of the USAID Private Sector Development Project. It was noted that within the framework of the PSA (Private Sector Activity) funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), studies were conducted among women entrepreneurs in Azerbaijan, and a “National Business Agenda for women”, which includes a number of recommendations for overcoming challenges in this area was prepared and submitted to the decision-makers in the government and prominent representatives of businesses for consideration. Considering that some of the recommendations were related to legislation, the parties agreed to discuss these proposals at the Institute in January.

The Head of the Institute took part in a conference organized at the Police Academy

On December 27, 2022, the Chairman of the Board of the Institute of Law and Human Rights Mahammad Guluzade took part in the international scientific and practical conference "Actual problems of human rights in the modern period", held by the Police Academy. The event was dedicated to the 74th anniversary of the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”. The event was attended by representatives of various government agencies, including the Ombudsman, the Constitutional Court, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, the Prosecutor General's Office, and others. Also, scientists from different countries, teachers and students of the Academy joined the event online.

Some proposals on the Civil Code were discussed at the Institute

On December 26, 2022, Gunay Aliyeva, an employee of our Institute, submitted proposals on Chapter 4 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan (“Non-Profit Organizations”). The discussion was attended by the Head of the Institute Mahammad Guluzade, our employees Farid Alakbarov and Ismail Musayev, who expressed their opinion on the proposed recommendations. Preparation and discussion among employees of such proposals is also expected in the future.

An article by our employee was published in the “Azerbaijan” newspaper

In the issue of the newspaper “Azerbaijan” dated December 22, 2022, an article by an employee of our Institute Vusala Muradkhanli entitled "Armenia does not change its essence, despite the awareness of the violation of the principles of international law" was published. The article notes that after the Second Karabakh War, Azerbaijan demonstrates support for building and regulating relations with neighboring countries, including Armenia, based on the principles of international law.

Our staff memebers took part in the training

On December 19-20, employees of our Institute Narmin Hasanova, Vusala Muradkhanli, Zamik Aslanov, Amrah Rahimli and Araz Abdullasoy took part in training on the topic “Difficulties in data protection in the era of Artificial Intelligence and developing technologies”, organized on the basis of the UNDP Rule of Law and Human Rights project. Training moderator Tural Ahmed and training facilitator Virginia De Nobrega presented slides on the topic and made the training an interactive.

Our scientist moderated the forum of the STEM analytical center

On December 19, a republican forum of young scientists “Security and Challenges in the Caucasus” dedicated to Azerbaijan's victory in the 44-day Patriotic War was held. The event was jointly organized by the STEM Analytical Center (Center for Politics, History and Ethnography) and the Institute of Caucasus Studies of ANAS. Our colleague Rizvan Huseynov moderated the first panel at the forum.

Our employee took part in the debate organized by Faculty of Law, Baku State University

On December 19, an employee of our Institute, Isameddin Khamoyev, took part in a simulation called “Staging Parliamentary Debates”, organized at Baku State University. At the event, jointy held with the participation of SABAH groups students and the Faculty of Law of BSU, a discussion of the draft law “On Social Security” was conducted. The event was organized with the aim of forming a culture of conducting parliamentary debates, legal thinking and legal culture, an independent attitude to normative legal acts, the ability to reason and analyze, as well as the development of oratory and active involvement of students in the rule-making process.

A meeting with UN representatives was held at the Institute

On December 16, 2022, the Heads of the Center for Legal Expertise and Legislative Initiatives (Center) and the Institute of Law and Human Rights (Institute) met with the staff of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Vladimir Shkolnikov and Kamran Bagirov.

Our employees took part in the online webinar

On December 15, our employees Idris Zakirov and Gunel Aliyeva took part in an online webinar organized by ECNL (European Center for Non-for - Profit Law) via ZOOM on the topic “Anti-Money Laundering Measures Restricting Civil Society: Are they based on evidence?” At the meeting Ben Evans (FATF), expert of the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering and Vanja Skorich (ECNL), delivered a report on AML typologies and anti-money laundering measures in different countries.
