The Legal Capital is able to serve as a guarantee for creditors while protecting companies from the risk of potential bankruptcy when it meets certain standards. However, whether to or not to apply these standards is a matter of debate. This issue in question forms different approaches in many jurisdictions from Europe to America. Meanwhile in national legislation the requirements that the legal capital must pay are measured by the ”interest of creditors". Since this statement is rather vague, the Azerbaijan legislation requires more thorough regulation of the rules of legal capital for effective protection of creditors ' interests. Thus, the article examines different jurisdictions and the function of approved capital requirements in ensuring the financial stability of businesses and safeguarding the interests of creditors in order to close this gap. At last, taking into account the issues caused by the absence of precise minimum ammount of legal capital in Civil Code of AR, it proposes specific recommendations.
Müəllif :
Mahirə Ağalarzadə
Nəşr tarixi : 2024
Son iyirmi il ərzində transmilli iqtisadi mübahisələrin həlli sistemi beynəlxalq kommersiya məhkəmələrinin yaradılmasına və getdikcə artan istifadəsinə şahidlik etmişdir. Baxmayaraq ki, bu cür məhkəmələr müxtəlif struktur çərçivələri altında və fərqli hüquqi, iqtisadi və siyasi mühitlərdə yaradılmışdırlar, onlardan dördü digərlərindən fərqlənmişdir. Çünki bu dörd beynəlxalq kommersiya məhkəməsi, yəni “DIFC” Məhkəməsi, “ADGM” Məhkəməsi, Qətər Beynəlxalq Məhkəmə və Mübahisələrin Həlli Mərkəzi və “AIFC” Məhkəməsi xüsusi iqtisadi zonaların məhkəmə orqanları olaraq yaradılmışdırlar və fəaliyyət göstərirlər. Baxmayaraq ki, bu məhkəmələr başlıca olaraq mürəkkəb transsərhəd mülki və kommersiya mübahisələrin həll edilməsində ixtisaslaşmışdırlar, onların, həmçinin xüsusi iqtisadi zonalarda dövlət hakimiyyətini həyata keçirən inzibati orqanların hərəkətlərinin qanuniliyini yoxlamaq səlahiyyətləri vardır. Buna görə də hazırkı məqalə bu cür xüsusi iqtisadi zonalarda dövlət hakimiyyətinin həyata keçirilməsinə nəzarət edən bu cür beynəlxalq kommersiya məhkəmələrini hibrid inzibati məhkəmələr olaraq müəyyən etməyi və konseptuallaşdırmağı hədəfləyir. Bu kontekstdə, hazırkı məqalə bu məhkəmələrə inzibati hərəkətin qanuniliyinin yoxlanılması ilə bağlı səlahiyyət verən hüquq normalarının təsviredici müqayisəli təhlilini aparır. Həmçinin son illərdə beynəlxalq investisiya hüququ və arbitrajına qarşı müxtəlif dövlətlər tərəfindən göstərilən əks reaksiyaları nəzərə alaraq, yerli hüququn məhsulu kimi beynəlxalq kommersiya məhkəmələrinin xüsusi iqtisadi zonalarda xarici investorların daxil olduğu publik hüquq xarakterli mübahisələrdə investisiya arbitrajının funksiyalarını yerinə yetirə bilib-bilməyəcəyi də məqalədə müzakirə olunur.
Müəllif :
Nihad Hüseynov
Nəşr tarixi : 2024
This article discusses the expanding interface between human rights and international climate change law. It underlines the urgent need for a human rights-based approach for the protection of the rights of vulnerable communities residing in disaster-prone areas, and reinstatement of environmental justice. It covers the chronological line of development from an initial lack of human rights inclusion within climate agreements which did not contain any provisions of the named approach. Then, the article discusses two recent historical resolutions of the UN Human Rights Council and the UN General Assembly that recognized the right to a safe, clean, healthy, and sustainable environment as a basic human right. Focusing on the forthcoming COP29 in Baku, the article discusses the need for immediate action related to anthropogenic interference in view of landmine contamination following the Second Karabakh War. It argues that the inclusion of human rights into climate policies is going to be key factor in both mitigating environmental degradation and offering just solutions. Secondly, the article evaluates the developing landscape of human rights based climate change litigations by citing landmark cases such as Verein KlimaSeniorinnen Schweiz and Others v. Switzerland. It also predicts the probable effect of the upcoming Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice with respect to state responsibility for climate change, emphasizing the need to focus on vulnerable communities, including those affected by war. In conclusion, the article advocates for a holistic approach that integrates human rights, climate justice, and post-conflict reconstruction efforts. It underscores the significance of COP29 as a platform to address these interconnected challenges and calls for robust legal frameworks to protect both human rights and the environment in the face of climate change.
Müəllif :
Nəcibə Mustafayeva
Nəşr tarixi : 2024
This article examines the problem of application of the principle of good faith by the courts of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the definition of which is officially defined in the Civil Code of Azerbaijan. In particular, in cases where the actions of the parties do not fully coincide with the definition given in the Civil Code, the question arises as to how the courts should resolve this issue. Based on an analysis of the legislation and judicial practice of other countries, it is concluded that, based on the principle of freedom of contract, the parties can create their own criteria for determining good faith in a contract.
Müəllif :
Leyla Talıbova
Nəşr tarixi : 2024
Throughout history, wars have been prevalent, even in times before states were fully developed. Rulers, kings, and sultans engaged in conflicts for various reasons such as expanding territories, increasing wealth, and subjugating people. Despite attempts to eradicate war, it persists, with some justifying it as “a natural law”. Wars not only cause great destruction in death, disease, hunger and poverty. They also cause serious damage to nature. Serious problems such as loss of farmland, water scarcity and pollution caused by toxic wastes are emerging. This article will examine the hazardous impact of armed conflicts on the environment, and the international protective measures and conventions in place. The article will also explore the Garabagh conflict and consider the hypothetical approach on the possible retroactive effect of Draft Principles on protection of the environment in relation to armed conflicts (hereinafter referred to as the “draft principles”) adopted by International Law Commission in addressing these issues.
Müəllif :
Jeyhun Asadov & Gultakin Safarli
Nəşr tarixi : 2024
Abstract This article examines the evolving role of legal frameworks in shaping ethical artificial intelligence (AI) use in corporate governance. As AI systems become increasingly prevalent in business operations and decision-making, there is a growing need for robust governance structures to ensure their responsible development and deployment. Through analysis of recent legislative initiatives, industry standards, and scholarly perspectives, this paper explores key legal and regulatory approaches aimed at promoting transparency, accountability, and fairness in corporate AI applications. It evaluates the strengths and limitations of current frameworks, identifies emerging best practices, and offers recommendations for developing more comprehensive and effective AI governance regimes. The findings highlight the importance of adaptable, principle-based regulations coupled with sector-specific guidance to address the unique challenges posed by AI technologies in the corporate sphere.
Müəllif :
Shahmar Mirishli
Nəşr tarixi : 2024
The concept of subsidiarity is closely linked to local self-governance within the legal state. Subsidiarity dictates that issues should be resolved by the smallest, lowest, or least centralized competent authority. Local self-governance within the institutions of the legal state plays a decisive role in upholding the principle of subsidiarity. Subsidiarity is the fundamental principle of governance, dictating that issues should be resolved by the smallest, lowest, or least centralized competent authority capable of effectively addressing them. Subsidiarity is the main principle in the organization and operation of local government. This principle suggests that tasks should be carried out at the lowest level of governance with the necessary authority before being delegated to higher levels. Within the context of local governance, subsidiarity proposes that decisions should be made at the most efficient and effective level possible - at the level of municipalities and even at the level of communities. Local self-governance institutions play a crucial role as the primary mechanism for implementing the principle of subsidiarity, as they are closest to the citizens and are best positioned to understand and respond to their needs.
Müəllif :
Naila Gahramanova
Nəşr tarixi : 2024
In the digital age, the interplay between freedom of expression and the protection of honor has become a critical issue, as the internet facilitates both the free exchange of ideas and the potential for harm to personal dignity. This article examines the historical evolution of these rights and their contemporary challenges in the online environment. While freedom of expression is foundational to democratic societies, enabling individuals to voice opinions and participate in public discourse, it often clashes with the right to protect one's honor from defamation, harassment, and privacy invasion. The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) plays a pivotal role in balancing these rights, particularly in cases involving public figures where the limits of acceptable criticism are broader. However, the rapid spread of misinformation and the anonymity afforded by the internet complicate efforts to protect individuals' reputations. The article highlights and illustrates these tensions and proposes legal frameworks to better align the protection of honor with freedom of expression in the digital realm. Ultimately, the article advocates for a nuanced approach that considers both national and international legal precedents while promoting digital literacy and responsible online behavior to foster a more respectful and inclusive digital public sphere.
Müəllif :
Nisa Huseynzada
Nəşr tarixi : 2024
In the article, the theoretical and practical issues of legal protection of stateless persons in modern international law are extensively analyzed based on the existing diversity of opinions in the legal literature, international and domestic normative-legal acts. It is noted that stateless persons are a special category of people whose legal status is regulated by slightly different rules and requires special treatment. The need to adopt special international agreements in this field has confirmed this once again. In general, stateless persons have practically the same rights, freedoms and obligations as foreigners, except for some differences. It is concluded that in order to achieve a more effective regulation, the legal status of stateless persons and the provisions of the international agreement on the elimination of statelessness should be created in the national legislation of the states. At the same time, all the circumstances that can lead to t
Müəllif :
Asmar Panahova
Nəşr tarixi : 2024
The formation of virtual space is not analyzed in a positive way. In the digital age, serious changes are observed in the nature of legal violations through the opportunities provided by new technologies. Violations, which are no longer on the physical plane, but on the virtual plane, cause serious concerns for the modern world population. The problem of defamation, which has a special weight among such violations, is one of the current problems of the time. Due to the lack of clear borders and the possibility of anonymity in the virtual space, it has become possible to easily share and spread defamatory statements insulting the honor and dignity of others. This has resulted in the actualization of the problem of defamation. In the article, the types of expressions historically accepted as defamatory expressions were analyzed in a form interrelated with the protection of honor and dignity, and suggestions were made regarding the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Media.
Müəllif :
Elnur Humbatov
Nəşr tarixi : 2024