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The Institute held training for employees on organization of the office work

On February 7, the Human Resources expert of the Institute of Law and Human Rights, Isamaddin Khamoyev, conducted training for the Institute's employees on the topic “Guide for the preparation and compilation of documents in the structural divisions of the Institute”. The trainer explained to the employees at the level of general requirements such important topics as document flow in the centralized office work system, organization and distribution of registration by structural divisions of the organization.

The activities of public legal entities in social networks have been monitored

In the context of the widespread use of social networks, which are an integral part of the culture of communication in the information society, the Institute of Law and Human Rights has carried out monitoring and analysis of contacts with citizens in social networks of some agencies and institutions that received the status of a “public legal entity”. As you know, social networks and platforms are constituting a huge information resource. Most Internet users utilize social networks to get this information. The purpose and targets of the analysis were to determine which social media platforms are mostly used by public legal entities, the degree of freedom for citizens to access information from these social networks, as well as the number of followers of public legal entities.

An article by our lawyer “Protection of victims of human trafficking: in the context of international and national legal norms” was published

In the 17th issue of the newspaper “Республика” (Republic) dated January 26, 2023, an article by Sevinj Huseynova, a researcher at the Legal Research Department of the Institute of Law and Human Rights, entitled “Protection of victims of human trafficking: in the context of international and national legal norms” was published. The article shows that it is important to determine the status of the victims in order to remove them from the state of exploitation, to ensure their immediately physical and psychological needs, and to implement appropriate protection measures.

The Chairman of the YAP organization of the Institute participated in the event

On January 25, the Yasamal district organization of the New Azerbaijan Party (YAP) hosted an event entitled “The architect of independent Azerbaijan: the great leader Heydar Aliyev”. The event was also attended by Ilgar Khalilov, the Chairman of the first YAP organization of the Institute.

Training on “Human Rights Based Approach” was held

On January 27, 2023, Nikolaj Sanderbye, Chief Adviser on Democracy and Human Rights of the UNDP Istanbul Regional Hub, conducted training on “Human Rights Based Approach” at the Institute of Law and Human Rights. The training was attended by the staff members of the Institute, representatives of the Center for Legal Expertise and Legislative Initiatives and the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Training sessions for minors in the Corrective Colony were held

On January 23-25, 2023, jointly organized by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Institute of Law and Human Rights trainings at the Penitentiary Service Corrective Colony for minors were held. The aim of the training was increasing the knowledge and skills of teenagers deprived of their liberty, contributing to their adaptation in society and the formation of personal qualities.

The training on the preparation of scientific publications for international journals was held

On January 16, 2023, the Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Institute, Uzeyir Mammadov, conducted training for our legal staff on the topic “Preparation of a scientific publication for an international journal: a brief overview of the recommendations and requirements of scientific publishers”. The training provided detailed information on general principles of compiling articles, academic writing, composition and publication of a scientific article.

Employees of the Institute participated in the training on scientometric indicators

On January 11, 2023, the Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Institute, Uzeyir Mammadov, conducted training for lawyers on the topic “Scientometric” indicators in assessing the activities of scientists and organizations. During the training, detailed information about the general provisions, the citation index, bibliometric databases and scientometric services, the main indicators used in informometry and useful links for registration were given.

Hüquq tədqiqatçımızın yeni məqaləsi dərc edilib

Hüquq və İnsan Haqları İnstitutunun Hüquqi tədqiqat şöbəsinin hüquq tədqiqatçısı Vəfa Məmmədovanın “İnjuria” jurnalının 6 yanvar 2023-cü il tarixli nömrəsində “Tibb hüququ: yaranması problemləri və inkişaf perspektivləri” adlı məqaləsi dərc olunub. Məqalədə oxuculara tibb hüququnun yaranması və inkişafının qısa tarixi təqdim edilir, beynəlxalq tədbirlər barədə məlumat verilir, eyni zamanda bu sahənin inkişafına səbəb olan sənədlərə və hadisələrə aydınlıq gətirilir. Müəllif tibb hüququnun istiqamətlərinin əhəmiyyətini təhlil edərək, onun praktiki və nəzəri vacibliyi məsələlərini araşdırır. Aparılan təhlillər nəticəsində bu istiqamətin inkişafı və tətbiq olunması üçün mümkün perspektivlər nəzərdən keçirilir.

The Head of the Institute held a meeting with employees in the new year

On January 5, 2023, the first meeting with employees in the new year was held at the Institute of Law and Human Rights. The Chairman of the Board of the Institute, Mahammad Guluzade, congratulated the entire staff on the New Year 2023, wished to the staff success and effective work in accordance with new areas of activity. Giving detailed information about the future plans and goals of the Institute, the Head considered it expedient to prepare regulations for each department in accordance with its activities.
